Mike Pence is going to be annoyed that people are donating to Planned Parenthood in his name

Adamantly anti-LGBT Vice President-elect Mike Pence is probably going to be pretty annoyed when he begins receiving confirmations that he has made multiple donations to Planned Parenthood.

The ‘pro-life’ politician hasn’t actually made any donations, but lots of people are donating on his behalf.


The nonprofit will probably be surprised to receive the donations from ‘Mike Pence’, and Pence himself will also receive certificates to confirm the donations.

Among those to donate in his name is actor and musician Amber Tamblyn, who also encouraged others to do the same.

Pence has echoed his running mate President-elect Trump’s assertion that Planned Parenthood should be defunded if it continues to provide abortion services.

As well as wanting to overturn 1973 ruling Roe v Wade which cemented women’s abortion rights, Pence has previously said he wants to force women to hear the heartbeat of their fetus before being able to terminate a pregnancy.


But for now at least the former Governor of Indiana is inadvertently making dozens of donations to the service, which Trump has himself said he plans to come after once he takes office.

Planned Parenthood has said it is “blown away” by the support it has received.

Trump has said he won’t seek to abolish same-sex marriage when he appoints new Supreme Court justices.

But he did go on to say that he would appoint a justice who is ‘pro-life’.

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