Gay diner spreads love in the world by paying for vile homophobic family’s meal

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Sometimes little acts of kindness have the biggest impact.

Texan Natalie Woods showed some love to a Christian family by paying for their meal, after she overheard them using homophobic language at her local Snuffers Restaurant.

Woods was compelled to pick up the neighbouring table’s tab, when she heard them chat about their “disgust” with their nephew for coming out of the closet.

She wrote a personal message on their bill, saying “Happy holidays, from the very gay, very liberal table sitting next to you. Jesus made me this way. P.S. be accepting of your family.”


Woods told the Huffington Post that she paid for the family’s meal because she wanted to “actually act like the Jesus I grew up learning about” and was inspired by Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech that declared “when they go low, we go high.”

Woods told HuffPost the incident reminded her that despite the strides that the LGBTQ community has made in recent years, “that fight is long [from] over.”

“It’s time myself and the people of this country defend each other, defend minorities, defend people of all races and religions,” she said. “Sometimes it starts with small acts of love, sometimes it’s protesting in the streets, voting, lobbying, or running for a local office.

Earlier this year, a diner in Minneapolis left an amazing response to a yelp review from a customer who said there were “too many gay people.

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