Potential Supreme Court nominee who wants gays jailed denies posing nude for gay adult site

One of Trump’s possible picks for the Supreme Court, who has said in the past that he wants gays who have consensual sex in private to be jailed, also previously denied posing nude for a gay adult website.

Despite President-elect Trump saying that same-sex marriage is “settled”, he also said he wanted to appoint justices who would challenge the 1973 abortion rights ruling Roe v Wade.

Beware the image below is slightly NSFW

One of those conservative judges is William H Pryor Jr, who has in the past suggested that same-sex couples should be punished with jail time for having sex in their own homes.

Pryor back in 2013 was forced to deny that photos that appeared on badpuppy.com in 1997 were of him.

The photo, which is very NSFW, features someone who looks like the prospective Supreme court justice sitting down with an erection, looking into the camera.

Sources in 2013 had claimed that the photo was taken of Pryor when he was at college years before, but he has adamantly denied that the photos are of him.

He told Legal Schnauzer: “I have nothing to say to you except that these accusations are totally false…. Do not contact me again.”

Later adding: “This is the last time I will respond to you. Those photos are not of me.
Do not contact me again.”


The former Alabama Attorney General defended a law in 2003 in Texas which criminalises consensual gay sex, comparing it to “polygamy, incest, pedophilia, prostitution, and adultery”.

Arguing that LGBT people were not protected by the US Constitution, Pryor said in a legal brief about the law that states should be able to criminally charge gay people for having sex.

“The Supreme Court has never recognised a fundamental right to engage in sexual activity outside of monogamous heterosexual marriage, let alone to engage in homosexual sodomy,” wrote Pryor.

“Such a right would be antithetical to the ‘traditional relation of the family’ that is ‘as old and as fundamental as our entire civilisation.”

The law was later struck down by the

He also defended straight people’s right to have anal sex, saying straight anal sex was better than same-sex anal sex.

“Texas is hardly alone in concluding that homosexual sodomy may have severe physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual consequences, which do not necessarily attend heterosexual sodomy, and from which Texas’s citizens need to be protected,” he wrote.

Going on, he said there was “no fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy just because it is done behind closed doors… Because homosexual sodomy has not historically been recognised in this country as a right; to the contrary, it has historically been recognised as a wrong. It is not a fundamental right.”

So Trump could appoint a justice who has bee described by Lambda Legal as “the most demonstrably anti-gay judicial nominee in recent memory.”

Kevin Cathcart, Lambda Legal’s executive director adds that Pryor blocked a law which would have allowed same-sex couples in Florida to adopt.

“Several judges on the appeals court wanted to hear the case and said the law raised ‘serious and substantial questions,’ but William Pryor kept that from happening,” wrote Cathcart.

“As a result, lesbians and gay men in Florida cannot adopt children who need permanent, loving homes.”

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