This trans woman doesn’t let transphobic car vandals get her down!

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A trans woman who woke up to find her car had been vandalised with pro-Trump messages responded in the best way.

When Amber Timmons went out to her car on Wednesday morning, she was shocked to find it had been spray-painted with messages such as: “fag’, “die he she”, a swastika and support for Donald Trump.

This trans woman doesn’t let transphobic car vandals get her down!

To make matters worse when Amber posted pictures of the abuse to Facebook, she had the post removed for violating its terms of service.

“It’s hard to describe; the first thought is shock,” she told a local TV station.

“You just can’t believe it.

“You hear about it happening with others, but you never think it’s going to happen to you – especially here in Denver.

“And then it sets in and the first thing is fearful.

“You get scared and you fear everything that can and would happen.

“It’s a personal attack against me as a person.”

After calling the police, Amber returned to her car to find sticky notes that said “you are loved” and “I am deeply sorry…love and peace wins always!”

Determined not to let the incident get her down, Amber’s friends came over and joined her in cleaning all the paint off the car.

This trans woman doesn’t let transphobic car vandals get her down!

Posting photos of the cleaning to social media, she said: “We are successfully ERASING THE HATE!

“We are not going down. You fight hate with love, so whoever did this…I LOVE YOU!

“And love to everyone out there who came to my support and love. Thank you so very much!”

This trans woman doesn’t let transphobic car vandals get her down!

When asked if she felt scared, Amber added: “Am I scared? Definitely. But if I have to change my lifestyle, it means hate wins, and hate doesn’t win. Love wins.”

In another incident, homophobes who vandalised a gay couple’s car spelt ‘faggot’ wrong.

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