Over 700 incidents of harassment have been reported since Trump’s win was announced

700 incidents of harassment fuelled by the news of Trump’s election have occurred, according to a hate watch group.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) released the information which was obtained by collecting reports from news articles, social media, and direct submissions to their own #ReportHate intake page.


The group initially reported just 400 incidents, but the number continued to rise gradually to 700.

65% of the incidents reported to SPLC happened in the three days following the election.

Anti-immigrant incidents are most reported. Anti-black, anti-LGBT, swasktisa vandalism, anti-muslim and anti-woman attacks follow anti-immigrants attacks follow in order of frequency.

SLPC reported that 40% of recorded incidents took place within schools (from primary ranging up to university)

The group is also following anti-Trump attacks – a number that stands at 27.

Safety pins are being worn by American citizens across the country to show solidarity with victims of homophobic, racist and religious abuse.

The symbol was first used to show unity during World War 2 when the Dutch wore them under their collar to show loyalty to the queen, without being persecuted by Nazis.

A gay couple in America have had their car vandalised with homophobic slurs which said “die homo” and “faggot” and believe the attack related to the outcome of the election.

A gay, married couple had the front door of their apartment defaced on Friday with homophobic slurs. “Fags” was written in marker pen across the door of their shared apartment in Michigan.

Homophobic, racist and xenophobic notes are being left on peoples cars by anonymous people which attack them for their appearance.

Arsonists targeted two houses flying Pride flags in Rochester, New York, nearly causing a deadly blaze, while a gay man in Santa Monica, California also claims he was set upon by Trump supporters.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that at least eight trans people have died by suicide in the wake of Trump’s election victory in the US.

LGBT rights activists are alarmed that homophobes will be front-and-centre in Trump’s Presidential transition team.

VP-elect Pence, a hardline evangelical who has not supported a single LGBT reform across nearly two decades in politics and has one of the worst records on equality of any President or Vice President in recent memory.

The National Organisation for Marriage has set out its strategy for rolling back LGBT rights under the Trump administration.

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