7 Tripadvisor and Yelp reviewers who thought everything was a bit too gay

Everyone needs some down time. The hard slog of the working week and the pressures of the rat race can all get too much.

Sometimes you want to relax for a couple of weeks in the sun, eat a meal at a nice restaurant or go clubbing to let off some steam.

That’s all these TripAdvisor and Yelp reviewers want, but there’s one thing standing in their way: everything’s a little too gay.

1. This girl just wanted someone to notice her outfit

She couldn’t catch anyone’s eye.


2. This hotel on a gay party island was suspiciously gay

Oh, and the review poster is not homophobic, FYI.


3. Beware the gay takeover!

The review poster is totally cool with it.


4. These sand dunes are crawling

Far too provocative.


5. This naturist who objects to body jewellery

Dangly bits all good, dangly jewellery bad. Square cogs, round wheels.


6. This beach is totally gay

Oh the torment!

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7. The reason we can’t have nice things…

Nice things

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