Elton John has refused to play at Trump’s inauguration

It seems a Trump advisor has spoken too soon after claiming Elton John would be singing at President-Elect, Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20.

Back in 2005, Donald Trump celebrated Sir Elton’s civil partnership with David Furnish. This was later converted into a marriage, when same-sex marriage became legal in England and Wales.

Transition team member, Anthony Scaramucci told BBC Hardtalk Trump would, “be the first American president in US history that enters the White House with a pro-gay rights stance.”

“Elton John is going to be doing our concert on the mall for the inauguration,” Scaramucci added.

Erm, might be time to check your facts there buddy.
A representative for Sir Elton has said, “Elton will not be performing at Trump’s inauguration.”

Keeping in mind this is a top advisor for the Trump team, Scaramucci said John would be performing even though Sir Elton had explicitly asked Trump not to play his music during the rallies and openly supported Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Heck, he even held a Clinton fundraiser where premium tickets were being sold at £80,500 a pop.

“We need a humanitarian in the White House, not a barbarian,” the performer said in October during the fundraiser, adding Clinton embodies “equality, decency, kindness and respect.”

“She is, without a doubt, the only candidate supremely qualified to lead this great nation in these challenging times,” Sir Elton said at the time.

Sir Elton recently spoke about his fear that hatred has grown since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union saying: “You know, I don’t like it here [the UK] at the moment, to be honest. I don’t like the hatred here. It’s like David said recently, it’s like a boil has been lanced that was there for a long time and suddenly all this hatred has come to the surface.

“People have been OK about gay marriage and things like that and suddenly they’re not. I have never, ever thought this of this country until now.

“I was always proud to come from here and to live here, because there are different opposing views about everything but it’s a pretty civilised place. At the moment, though, it’s not, and I don’t like it. It’s horrible.”

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