One Million Moms says these rings are ‘normalising sin’

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Evangelical Christian campaign group One Million Moms is furious with a new advert from Zales jewellers.

The company’s new advertising campaign features a happy same-sex couple sharing their special moment.

The two women appear on screen for all of four seconds, alongside a number of other happy couples from different backgrounds.

That’s all proved a bit too much for the campaigners, however, who have now claimed the brand is “normalising sin”.

In a statement One Million Moms said: “Zales Jewelers should be ashamed of attempting to normalize sin by featuring two women getting married in their latest commercial.

“Zales is promoting same-sex marriage and their new ‘Love and Pride’ Collection. The ‘Love and Pride’ wedding band collection, designed for the LGBTQ community with rainbow and matching bands, is ‘promoting Equality, Diversity, and Unity’ and ‘celebrate their Love with Pride’ as stated on their website.

“Zales is using public airwaves to subject families to the decay of morals and values, and belittle the sanctity of marriage in an attempt to redefine marriage. Even though homosexuality is unnatural, this advertisement is pushing the LGBTQ agenda.

“Zales crossed a line that should have never been crossed … Zales is glorifying sin, and no sin should be placed in the spotlight and honoured. This goes for homosexuality as well.”

The group, which is an off shoot of the American Family Association who recently brought out a ‘naughty or nice’ shopping guide, is now demanding its followers boycot the brand.

They still want them to turn up at Zales stores though: to inform local managers that they’re against same-sex marriage.


The campaign group has previously been angry at Campbell’s Soup and The Muppets TV Show.

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