19-year-old conservative MP attacks ‘horrible’ same-sex parenting law

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A 19-year-old conservative who was elected to Parliament in Canada has lamented a “horrible” bill to make same-sex parenting easier.

Sam Oosterhoff is being sworn in this week as a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) in Ontario, Canada, shattering records for the youngest elected official.

The young politician, who is a member of the right-wing Ontario PC Party, has shocked many with his strongly conservative views,

Mr Oosterhoff, who was homeschooled, has previously spoken out against same-sex marriage and abortion, while also lambasting the sex education curriculum.

Ahead of his swearing in, the new MPP broke with his party leadership, who have made substantial reforms to adopt a moderate stance on LGBT rights, to oppose a same-sex parenting bill, according to the Toronto Star.

Passed this week, the All Families are Equal Act reforms laws to ensure that same-sex parents who have children via IVF or surrogacy will no longer have to go to court to gain legal recognition or adopt their own children. The bill also amends previous family law to make references to parents gender-neutral.

Although his party supported the law, Mr Oosterhoff admitted he may have broken with his party line, had he been sworn-in in time for the vote.

He said the bill was a “horrible piece of legislation”, claiming it “can lead to litigation on the child” due to its liberal approach. Under the new law, up to four people can be granted parental rights, to cater for co-parenting and modern family structures.

Mr Oosterhoff added: “I would definitely not have supported the legislation… I think that we have to make sure that family law is very child-focused.”

The MPP also claimed it was “an attempt to distract people from the very real, negative impact they’re having on families through soaring hydro rates, cuts to health care — you name it, right? We can all testify to that damage.”

In a Facebook post prior to his selection as a candidate, Mr Oosterhoff shared an article titled “Why Homosexuality Is Not Like Other Sins” that proclaims gay people are going to Hell.

It says: “It’s not the only sin mentioned [in the Bible], but it is different from all the rest, at least right now.

“At this moment in history, contrary to the other sins listed here, homosexuality is celebrated by our larger society with pioneering excitement.

“It’s seen as a good thing, as the new hallmark of progress.”

It continues: “As Christians, we believe with deepest sincerity that the embrace of homosexual practice, along with other sins, keeps people out of the kingdom of God.”

“We are against any sin that restrains people from everlasting joy in God, and homosexual practice just gets all the press because, at this cultural moment, it’s the main sin that is so freshly endorsed in our context by the powers that be.”

Speaking to the Star, Mr Oosterhoff declined to say whether he still thinks it is a sin to be gay.

He insisted: “I believe we need to treat everyone with dignity and respect.”

Mr Oosterhoff was mocked earlier this year when a picture emerged of him sitting on Santa’s lap.

19-year-old conservative MP attacks ‘horrible’ same-sex parenting law

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