South Australia just changed the law to recognise the marriage of a man who died on his honeymoon

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The state of South Australia is to legally recognise overseas marriages after a British man died on his honeymoon in the state.

A new register is also to be introduced recognising same-sex couples in the state, along with bills granting same-sex couples the right to adopt a child and access to surrogacy have passed South Australia’s Legislative Council,.

It means those on the register can enjoy many of the rights afforded to opposite-sex couples, including a recognition of next-of-kin status.

The change in law came after the tragic death of David Bulmer-Rizzi while on his honeymoon in the state.

When he tragically died his husband, Marco, discovered that the death certificate would read “never married”, despite having just wed in Britain.

The news caused an outrage around the world, and led the state legislature to introduce a change of law to stop the situation happening again.

Following the change in law he is expected to be issued with a new death certificate, correctly listing his deceased as married.

“I can’t believe it,” Mr Bulmer-Rizzi told BuzzFeed News.

“I got the email at 3am this morning telling me it had passed and it’s going to be implemented.

“I can’t believe it for me and for us.

“It’s as close to happiness as I can be – I am the happiest I’ve been in the last 11 months.”

It’s major progress for the state, which had previously denied LGBT citizens many rights enjoyed in other parts of Australia.

Greens MLC Tammy Franks said the debate was not easy but overwhelmingly the house supported equality.

“It’s great to see four bills around equality for LGBTIQ South Australians passed through the Upper House, having already passed the Lower House. We now know they will become law,” Ms Franks said.

She called for the state’s so-called gay panic laws to be overhauled next because they were “offensive”.

“Queensland has announced it is going to get rid of it, every other state and territory has gotten rid of it, South Australia needs to step up and get rid of gay panic,” Ms Franks said.

“The idea that a murder charge can be downgraded to manslaughter simply because a gay man made a sexual advance … and that should justify him being killed and not being considered murder is offensive.”

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