LGBT people drink and smoke more than straight people, study finds

A new study has found that LGBT people drink and smoke more than heterosexual counterparts, and are more likely to suffer with depression.

The research by MentalHelp has revealed that many health risks are higher among LGBT people in the US.

The study found 40% of bisexuals have had depression at one point in their lives – more than double the rate for heterosexual people.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the risk of a mental health condition, like depression, anxiety disorders, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is almost three times higher for LGBT youth and adults.


The trevor Project has previously reported that suicide rates are four times higher among LGBT people between 10 and 24-years-old.

“People who are bisexual or gender nonconforming – who may not be comfortable within some of society’s usual labels – are at a higher risk for depression, substance abuse, and other mental health problems”, reports the study.

The investigation also found that LGBT people are more likely to have mental health issues if they live somewhere rural than if they’re in the cities and their suburbs.


Almost one in five LGBT people had binge drinked at some point in the 30 days prior to the survey being done, according to the research, which is 7% higher than among straight people.

Binge drinking is defined as men having more than five drinks in one go, or women having more than four drinks.


There were similar differences for smoking: 15% of LGBT people surveyed said they smoked daily, which was more than 5% higher than for straight adults.


The research analysed 434,382 records based on interviews with people in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia.

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