Bob Geldof tells students to stop ‘banging on about transgender toilets’

Bob Geldof has told a group of students that they should be activists but that they should stop “banging on about transgender toilets”.

Speaking to a group of students at the Trinity College Dublin Law Society, Geldof did encourage them to become political activists.

But he said they should campaign on economic issues rather than social ones.

He said the focus should be on the fact that many “hadn’t had a pay rise for eight years and you are banging on about transgender toilets.”

“Europe desperately needs reform; it is sclerotic, constipated, it needs some laxative to clear it out,” he added.

“You guys are inheriting a deeply significant moment. My generation has failed more spectacularly than most – you have Brexit, Trump, the referendum in Italy, le Pen in France…”

Of Brexit, Geldof said “just as it is my democratic duty to accept the result, it is my duty to argue against it”.

Geldof made his remarks as he accepted the Praeses Elit Award from the Law Society.

He previously attacked China and Russia for their lack of funding for HIV/AIDS research.

He warned that the fight against HIV/AIDS could fall “at the last hurdle” due to”indifference and incapable governance” displayed by some of the world’s leaders.

While he praised the US, the UK and Germany for their contributions to AIDS research funds, he attacked Russia, China and Saudi Arabia for failing to do so.

He said: “[I am] dismayed that you people have such difficulty, after such a great scientific global health success, that you still beg for cash.

“The rest of the world must face its responsibilities… the Germans gave $800 million, the British $760 millions, the glorious and generous Americans as ever, foot the bill.

“The rest of the world must come to the party. I don’t know how to get to the Chinese. They don’t give a crap about us. Somehow they must be made to pony up.”

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