Documents confirm Republicans will try to overturn Obama’s LGBT rights protections

A caucus of Republican congressmen has published documents confirming they will press for Barack Obama’s LGBT rights protections to be overturned within Trump’s first 100 days.

President Obama last year signed an executive order outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity among federal contractors.  Earlier this year his administration followed up with guidance to schools, urging them not to discriminate against transgender students.

The Trump administration, which says it plans to axe many of Obama’s regulations and executive orders, has declined to say whether the measures will see the axe, though VP-elect Mike Pence said previously that he would repeal them so that “the transgender bathroom issue can be resolved with common sense at the local level”.

The House Freedom Caucus, an influential grouping of Republicans in Congress, today confirmed plans to go after some of the regulations, as part of a document outlining more than 200 rules, regulations and executive orders they want revoked.

The document confirms plans to repeal federal guidance on the fair and equal treatment of transgender students from the Department of Education, as well as non-discrimination protections in the Affordable Care Act.

It does not list Obama’s executive order, but senior Republican Steve Russell separately confirmed he had received “assurances” that the Trump administration would attack the order.

JoDee Winterhof, Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs at Human Rights Campaign, said: “In a ridiculous hit list of policies they want revoked, the House Freedom Caucus is shamefully demanding a rollback of protections from discrimination for LGBTQ people — protections the majority of Americans support.

“These guidelines ensure Americans aren’t denied health care simply because of who they are or whom they love and ensure transgender students have the same opportunities as their peers to thrive in a classroom.

“They are crucially important protections that absolutely must remain in place. Lives depend on them.

“Congressman Mark Meadows’ and the House Freedom Caucus’ efforts must be stopped. It’s time for folks to stand up, speak out, and demand lawmakers keep these fundamental protections for LGBTQ people in place.”

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