Searches for ‘Santa’s little helper’ rise 808% on sex site

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PornHub has revealed the most popular searches over the Christmas period.

The sex site has exposed its most searched for festive terms in a special chart – and it’s pretty revealing.

Whether it’s naughty helpers or the office Christmas party turned sexy, it seems PornHub users love the thought of some festive sexy time.

The most popular seasonal search is, predictably, “Christmas”.

After that it all gets a bit naughtier: “sexy Santa”, “Christmas gangbang” and “Christmas blowjob”, to name three.


Men are much more likely to search for Christmas related terms than women, racking up 34% more searches.


If you’re searching for Santa on Christmas eve then, surprisingly, you’re in a minority.

PornHub searches fall significantly on the eve of the special day.

Presumably people feel to guilty to search through Santa’s sexy history hours before he’s due down their chimney.


The set of figures apply to last year’s festive period.

We’ll soon know what this year’s searches look like, and if more people want a little helper from Santa.

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