Christian activists want to ban Carrie Underwood because she supports gay marriage

Evangelical activists have been branded hypocrites, after suggesting the Christian movement should shun country singer Carrie Underwood because of her deeply-held views about marriage.

The right-wing American Family Association group is renowned for its defence of homophobes,  claiming that Christian business owners should be free to turn away gay people due to their “deeply-held beliefs” about homosexuality.

The AFA funded a Christian bakery facing discrimination claims, insisting that no-one should be discriminated against for their beliefs about marriage.

Given their long-espoused belief in respecting people’s beliefs about gay equality, we were surprised to see they only think that applies if you oppose it.

RightWingWatch pointed out that on an American Family Radio show this week, AFA President Tim Wildmon attacked organisers of the Christian ‘Passion Conference’ for featuring a surprise performance from Carrie Underwood.

Wildmon says that Underwood should not have been invited to perform because she supports equal marriage.

He said: “Something happened over the weekend that is troubling… [the conference] invited well-known popular singer Carrie Underwood to the Passion to sing a couple of songs for everybody.

“The problem is that Carrie Underwood is openly embracing of homosexual marriage and the homosexual lifestyle.”

A contributor added: “She stirred up controversy a couple years ago, when she told the Independent: ‘Our church is gay friendly… Above all, God wanted us to love others. It’s not about setting rules, or  saying everyone has to be like me…. we have to love each other and get on with each other. It’s not up to me to judge anybody.”

Wildmon added: “As far as country music goes she’s probably cleans, I’m sure she’s a wonderful mother, but the issue here is the embracing of homosexuality by evangelical Christians, allowing Carrie Underwood to get in front of 55,000 people when she’s well known to be for gay marriage and the gay lifestyle.

“This is a very troubling time for Christians, and it was very disappointing to see [Carrie Underwood], who’s completely wrong on this L-G-B-T issue.”

In the very same show , the AFA defended singer Kim Burrell, after she was dropped from an appearance on Ellen over a homophobic rant.

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