WATCH: Randy Rainbow’s new song pleads with Trump to stop tweeting

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Internet funny man Randy Rainbow has released a new video pleading with President-elect Donald Trump to stop tweeting.

The song parody created by the gay comedian and YouTube star humours Trump’s twitter, and begs him to step back from the social media platform.

The song starts off by comparing Trump to a “thin skin orange”, before comparing him to past presidents including Obama and JF Kennedy.

It then goes on to address Trump’s twitter feed. From slandering celebrities and to calling out comedians, Randy Rainbow mentions everything.

“I thought I’d seen the worst of it, after all hasn’t Rosie O’Donnell and Alec Baldwin suffered enough?”

He goes on to tackle Trump’s most recent twitter tirade against Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech.

“I think she’s overrated, I think you’re wrong”

“I just couldn’t resist so I laid a little spell on him so that Jackie Evancho would get laryngitis and the only person available to sing at the inauguration would be Kelly Conway in a swimsuit. A two piece,” Randy said.

The comedian finishes the video off by telling Trump to just “knock it off with the tweets.”

Randy Rainbow made the news last year with his parody of Broadway song ‘Gary, Indiana’ which takes aim at Indiana’s new anti-gay law, that allows businesses to refuse service to gay people.

The new version ,‘F**k you Indiana’, is rather more rude about the state and takes aim at Governor Mike Pence for signing the law.

You can watch the full, amazing Trump twitter parody here:

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