Transgender beauty queen says men ‘spit’ on her when they learn she’s trans

A stunning beauty queen has told of the abuse she receives from men for being trans.

Pamela Rose, or Pammy as she’s known, has spoken out about the reactions she gets from some men when informing them of her identity.

Pammy, from Seaham, County Durham, says many men react badly to her saying she’s trans – even spitting on her.

She told The Mirror: “I would meet a guy at a bar and he would be so nice,” the young woman told Mirror Online.

“We would be talking and drinking…

“Then I’d tell him [I’m transgender] and that would be it.

“The door would be slammed in my face or he’d say, ‘I’ve got to go back to my friends now’.”

Pammy, 24, has since won Miss Transgender England, flaunting her stunning looks and talent for beauty pageants.

But some men can’t see beyond how she was born.

One man spat in her face while out for drinks when she told him she’s trans.

“One man told me he thought I was disgusting and he had been so nice,” she said.

“He had anger in his eyes.

“I was with my friends, but God knows what could have happened if I was alone.”

A poll last month found that more than half of Americans oppose transgender people using the bathroom of their preference.

Meanwhile the UK government was called out for placing a transgender female prisoner in a male only prison.

Two female prisoners died within weeks after being placed in inappropriate prison facilities.

The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman has now recommended reforms on trans issues following a string of deaths of trans prisoners.

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