Wife of Orlando gay club shooter arrested by FBI

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The wife of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen has been arrested in connection with the massacre.

Noor Salman has been taken into custody by FBI officials.

According to reports by the New York Times, she was arrested at her home in San Francisco.

The newspaper quotes a source familiar with the arrest claiming she has been charged with obstruction of justice.

She is expected to make an appearance on Tuesday in federal court in San Francisco.

Investigators interviewed Ms Salman for hours after the attack and came to believe she was not telling the truth.

It was previously reported she had known about his plans to massacre a gay club in advance, and failed to warn police it would take place.

At least 49 people were killed and 53 were injured in the shooting at the Pulse gay club in Orlando over the weekend.

With more than a hundred confirmed dead or injured, the shooting was the worst in American history.

The perpetrator Omar Mateen died in the attack – but it has now emerged that his current wife, Noor Mateen, was aware of his sadistic plans.

NBC News reports: “Omar Mateen’s current wife, Noor, told the FBI she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster, several officials familiar with the case said.

“She told the FBI that she once drove him to the gay nightclub, Pulse, because he wanted to scope it out.”

Mateen’s ex-wife Sitora Yusufiy has condemned him in the media.

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