Ellen Page confronts homophobic preacher on streets of DC on inauguration day

Ellen Page

Ellen Page has taken the inauguration day as any other as she confronted a homophobic preacher during Trump’s swearing in ceremony on the streets of Washington DC.

The Juno actor took offence at a t-shirt worn by the preacher which said that LGBT people are “worse than animals”.

Ellen Page confronts homophobic preacher on streets of DC on inauguration day

Page, who is out as a lesbian, confronted the man who continued to preach that homosexuality is “demonic”.

She was in DC for the WOmen’s March on Saturday, and was heard on camera caught by TMZ saying “you’re wrong”, and adding “we’re not gonna get anywhere”.

The star was talked over by the preacher who abruptly left.

Watch the exchange below:

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have been officially sworn in as President and Vice President of the United States.

The billionaire reality star and his political running mate took their oaths of office to officially succeed Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

As Trump and Pence take office, the GOP are now in full control of both the executive and the legislature for the first time since 2005.

The news means little chance for the Democrats to scupper Republican attacks on LGBT rights, with Obama previously using executive powers to defend equality from advances in Congress – something Trump has pledged not to do.

The President has not released a policy plan on LGBT rights, and also has no policy plan on HIV/AIDS.

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