Ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage hired by Fox News

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Fox News has hired former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, announcing the move in a release slipped out in the middle of Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The conservative news outlet revealed that it would hire the Brexit-backing British politician, who has sought a media profile in the US with his outspoken support for Donald Trump.

Farage, who has a close relationship with the new US President despite being a minor figure in British politics, was signed by Fox as a political analyst.

A statement, released mid-way through the inauguration of Donald Trump, says: “FOX News Channel (FNC) has signed former United Kingdom Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage as a contributor.

“In this role, he will offer political analysis across FNC and FOX Business Network’s (FBN) daytime and primetime programming.

“Prior to joining FNC, Farage was the leader of UKIP from 2006 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2016.”

The biography is not quite accurate. In fact, due to a string of repeated resignations and un-resignations, Farage was technically the leader of UKIP from 2006 to November 2009, from November  2010 until May 8 2015, from May 11 2015 until September 2016, and then interim leader from October 2016 until November 2016.

The announcement comes shortly after he was hired by London-based talk radio station LBC as a regular host, helming a nightly show.

Today, Mr Farage attended the Trump inauguration as a guest of the notoriously homophobic Governor of Mississippi.

Farage said: “In America they’ve had a political revolution and it’s complete; the problem in Britain is our revolution is not complete because the same people are still in charge.”

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