This European president just said same-sex marriage will never happen

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Many countries have been adopting same-sex marriage laws in recent years – but one president has absolutely ruled it out.

President Andrzej Duda has struck down the idea his country will ever legalise marriage equality.

President Duda of Poland says that the country will “unequivocally” never have marriage equality.

He told broadcaster Republika: “I do not think that the political majority today would agree to any amendment to the Constitution in this area, water down this clause and open interpretation that marriage could also include other genders,” he said.

“I unequivocally repeat: marriage in accordance with the Polish Constitution is a union between a man and a woman.”

He also accused other countries of trying to force marriage equality on the country.

In a remarkable attack, he said: “international organisations, various lobby groups, but also some European countries” have been trying to force the measure on Poland.

The president comes from the party conservative Law and Justice party, which holds deeply anti-LGBT views.

The comments come after a gay man won nearly every vote to be mayor of his town.

The man became head of his rural village as an openly gay man, with the support of people from across the area.

Poland is also one of six countries to have neither marriage equality nor offer same-sex couples civil partnerships.

The other five are Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovakia.

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