‘Donald Trump’ spotted making out with Kim Jong-un

British Prime Minister Theresa May is meeting with Donald Trump today, but it seems he has eyes for another world leader.

Tourists on the streets of Hong Kong were taken aback this week to see the newly-elected US President making out with homophobic North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.

The pair, spotted outside the US consulate in the city, were actually impersonators caught up in a moment of romance.

‘Kim Jong-Un’, played by Australian-born Howard, told Reuters:  “I think he’s a great leader and he’s much like me, he’s a dictator.

“I think with that in mind, he’s going to turn the United States into North Korea 2.0. So we’re going to be great friends.”

Mreanwhile, 66-year-old Trump impersonator Dennis Alan explained that it took him nearly two hours to complete the convincing look, which requires liberal amounts of orange foundation and fake hair.

He added that Trump’s election had been great for his personal career, given the resemblance.

He said: “All my friends and acquaintances are saying that I have steady work, which is pretty rare for a professional musician particularly in America, anymore.

“So I’m looking forward to that. We’ll see if this will help me lead to that.”

As Trump clones go, Mr Alan has had an easy time of it.

A topless protester recently disrupted the unveiling of a Donald Trump waxwork by grabbing him by the balls.

The woman, a protester from feminist and queer activist group FEMEN, chanted “grab patriarchy by the balls”, while a message painted across her chest read “GRAB BACK”.

Staff spent several minutes trying to restrain her, with one visibly-embarrassed security guard trying to conceal her bare breasts with a jacket.

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