President Trump’s refugee ban ‘could amount to a death sentence’ for LGBT refugees

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President Trump has been accused of risking the lives of LGBT refugees with his immigration ban.

Last Friday the 45th president signed an executive order restricting immigration from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Now an LGBT advocacy group has accused him of risking the lives of LGBT people fleeing war.

Jessica Stern, executive director of OutRight Action International, says the executive order “could amount to a death sentence to LGBTQ people who have few means of escape.”

“By turning his back on people from these countries, Trump just joined those who believe it’s OK to imprison and kill people for being gay or trans,” Stern told NBC Out.

“Sudan, Iran and Yemen officially punish homosexuality with death, and Iraq, a country that has seen killing sprees of people perceived as gay or transgender, has never held a single perpetrator responsible,” she explained.

“The governments of Libya, Syria and Somalia punish homosexuality with prison — even up to 10 years.”

The condemnation after Trump issued the executive order last week.

The Human Rights Campaign’s President Chad Griffin warned: “President Trump’s attacks on immigrants and refugees are a direct assault on America’s most fundamental values.

“Donald Trump’s unjust and unconscionable executive orders make life more dangerous for countless LGBTQ people, and could equal a death sentence for those trying to escape violence and persecution from places such as Syria. No wall, no matter how high, can block America’s promise of liberty and justice for all.”

ISIS have repeatedly thrown gay people to their deaths in recent incidents.

Shocking ISIS images recently showed a man accused of being gay thrown off a roof and stoned (graphic content warning).

OutRight Action International say they are aware of at least 39 incidents.

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