Archaeologists discover what could be the world’s oldest dildos

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Archaeologists have uncovered what could be the world’s oldest dildos, it has been announced.

A recent dig in the Jiangsu province of China has unearthed a large collection of objects believed to be around 2000 years old.

Archaeologists discover what could be the world’s oldest dildos

Among the collection are bronze dildos and jade butt plugs.

Experts have said the butt plugs were likely used to seal the body after death than for sexual pleasure.

“The jade plugs are used to seal the body and keep in vital essences that can leak out during life and death,” said exhibition curator Fan Zhang.

“Basically, it is to maintain the qi. The most important orifice was the mouth, and we have a beautiful example of a mouth seal in the shape of a cicada in the exhibition.”

Jade was a much sought after commodity during the Han dynasty so only the wealthy would have been able to afford it.

On-the-other-hand, researchers have said they are pretty confident the bronze dildos would have been used as strap-ons.

Mr Zhang said although rare, they are not unheard of.

“They are occasionally found in elite tombs,” he said.

“They were all definitely made for use, and we can speculate based on their various bases how they were worn…though it’s not clear if they were designed for men or women.

“The phallus without the ring form was likely for a man since it was found in a king’s tomb.”

Last year, a nativity scene made of dildos got people really angry.

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