Thousands of people are defending a popstar who was told to ‘burn at the stake’ for supporting LGBT rights

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Thousands of people in the Polish LGBT community are rushing to defend a pop star who received a hurl of abuse after sharing a video of two gay fans.

Beata Kozidrak, who has been a singer for 30 years in the country, shared a video of Jakub and David singing to a song of hers.

Thousands of people are defending a popstar who was told to ‘burn at the stake’ for supporting LGBT rights

The star faced a torrent of abuse for sharing the video which features the gay couple occasionally kissing and holding hands.

One person said the star “should buy a hammer and hit herself in a head”.

Comments from other “fans” said, “that pig should be burnt on a stake”, and that homosexuality “should be cured not promoted”.

Others banded together to boycott the singer, with one commenter writing: “I’ve been your fan for 30 years, now it’s over.”

The abuse influenced Jakub and David, and the LGBT community in Poland, to fight back and send messages of love to Beata.

The couple inspired people to share pictured of themselves holding notes saying “Beata dziekujemy” which means “Beata thank you”.

“We just wanted to show her appreciation and gratitude for her gesture to LGBTQ community,” the couple told PinkNews. “We expected 100 people at most but finally it was more than a two thousands of us. It was really magical.”

Thousands of people are defending a popstar who was told to ‘burn at the stake’ for supporting LGBT rights

Members of the Polish parliament, drag queens, bloggers and chairman’s of LGBT organisations in Poland all contributed to the images which were sent to the star.

The couple are no strangers to fighting against homophobia, as they were sent death threats after their coming out video went viral.

Thousands of people are defending a popstar who was told to ‘burn at the stake’ for supporting LGBT rights

The couple were told to “cut their throats”, whilst other said that they wanted to “send them to the gas chamber.”

They also received private messages on their Facebook accounts with people telling them “your neighbours will come after you” and “you two should be burnt at the stake like witches. Go to hell.”

Thousands of people are defending a popstar who was told to ‘burn at the stake’ for supporting LGBT rights

They described the comments as devastating: “It’s not just homophobia – it’s homo-agression,” they told PinkNews.

However, they made a last ditch effort to show that the hateful abuse didn’t break them down, in the form of another beautiful video.

Watch the video that Beata received abuse for sharing here:

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