Trump supporter and ‘richest gay’ Peter Thiel is looking for a PA

Trump Peter Thiel

The world’s ‘richest gay’ man Peter Thiel is looking for a personal assistant.

The Trump supporter, who is on the board of Facebook and a co-founder of PayPal, is looking for a PA to help him with his day to day organisation at his empire Thiel Capital.

The role calls for a “versatile, energetic and proactive” person to take on the daily task of supporting and organising Thiel.

The job listing place emphasis on a “positive, can-do attitude” and insists that the right candidate will have “attention to detail, the ability to multitask without letting anything slip, a willingness to travel, and a focus on personal tasks”

“You must exhibit a demonstrated ability to perform duties with a polished level of professionalism, tact, discretion, and judgement,” the listing states. “While we expect a high level of accuracy, professionalism, and integrity, we also embrace light-heartedness, humour, and fun in our employees.”

It is good to know Thiel, who may be the richest gay man in the world, still has a sense of humour. Despite being allowed to crack a joke, the prospective PA would be expected to be available 24/7, which might not seem so funny.

Being pro-active and anticipating President’s needs and expectations and tracking and reminding executive of family obligation are also on the to-do list with the job.

The position promises comprehensive health care but the benefits may not seem worth it as Thiel has aligned himself with a number of Trump’s anti-LGBT advisors, despite being gay himself.

Thiel has previously said he is “not worried” about Trump’s homophobic cabinet, including VP Mike Pence.

The billionaire previously described date rape as “belated regret” in a book he co-authored 10 years ago. Thiel and his co-author, David Sacks, aim to delegitimise date rape allegations by saying definition of rape covers “seductions that are late regretted.”

The pay and the benefits might be good, but is it really worth it?

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