WATCH: Australian equal marriage advert calls for a free vote

Campaigners for marriage equality in Australia have released a new advert calling for the government to introduce a free vote.

The advert, which was produced by the Equality Campaign, features everyday Australians going about their day-to-day tasks.

WATCH: Australian equal marriage advert calls for a free vote

“We do our jobs, It’s about time politicians did theirs,” actors in the video say.

Surgeons, fire fighters, doctors and nurses all feature in the short, but impactful, 30 second clip that asks the simple question: “Why can’t we get married?”

LGBT activists in the country are calling for a free vote instead of the plebiscite that PM Malcolm Turnbull promised upon his re-election.

It is believed that if Turnbull dropped the plebiscite and went through with a parliament vote, then same-sex marriage would most likely become legal.

The plebiscite has already caused divisive tensions as approximately $15 million Australian Dollars would be given to campaigning parties.

Pro-LGBT rights campaigners fear that $7.5 million of anti-LGBT campaigning will cause a great deal of trauma, and is not worth that damage because the plebiscite is not legally binding.

The plebiscite was voted down over fears that it would “create a poisonous and divisive homophobic debate”, but Turnbull’s anti-equality predecessor Tony Abbott is pushing the current PM to stick to his promises.

Abbott delivered the blunt warning to his successor Malcolm Turnbull. Abbott warned Turnbull, the current PM, that he should not go back on his promise of a free vote on same-sex marriage in parliament.

He said allowing a vote in parliament and dropping the plebiscite was a “betrayal” of commitments made during the election.

It is rumoured that discussions will begin to take place when parliament sits for the first time this year on Tuesday, however no equal marriage legislation has been put in the works yet.

Watch the moving ad here:

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