Cynthia Nixon attacks Trump at Stonewall Inn rally over LGBT rights

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Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon has hit out at President Trump.

The actor, who opened up about having relationships with women some years ago, attacked the President at a rally at the Stonewall Inn in New York City.

Cynthia Nixon attacks Trump at Stonewall Inn rally over LGBT rights

Beginning she said: “Hello brothers, hello sisters, hello siblings who reject the gender binary.”

She hit out at Trump’s immigration ban, saying it is the reason why minorities need to stick together in the face of adversity.

Nixon said: “As LGBT people, we know how important coming out is, but I would argue that our coming out has never been more important than it is right now.”

“We need to come out not just as queer, but as people who know all too well what it feels like to be put in a box that says ‘other,’ less than,’ ‘easy target if you’re looking for someone to bully, harass, discriminate against, demonise, beat up, even kill,” the star added.

“We don’t know yet what Donald Trump has in store for us, and chances are he doesn’t either,” she added.

She went on to criticise Trump’s Vice President pick Mike Pence, saying he is the “poster boy for anti-LGBT rhetoric, legislation and conversion therapy, as his vice president.”

Encouraging the LGBT community to stand up to Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, Nixon went on : “We must fight hard and yell loud for ourselves. We have come too far to be turned back now, but we must fight just as hard and yell just as loud for Muslims — both those here and those trying to get here.”

Going on she thanked people for coming out into the streets to protest Trump, “in the face of such Trumpian bleakness”.

She concluded saying: “Be different. Be other. Be you. We need you!”

Check out the speech below:

Nixon married her partner, Christine Marinoni, in 2012 – after the pair met in 2004.

The Tony-award winning actor was previously married to the photographer Danny Mozes, with whom she had two children.

She caused controversy shortly before her marriage, when she claimed her homosexuality was a choice.

She later clarified her comments by saying that while her bisexuality was a fact and by no means a choice, she did ‘choose’ was to be in a gay relationship.

Nixon added that she was speaking strictly of herself, not about the LGBT community at large.

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