This lesbian couple are asking strangers to fund their baby

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A lesbian couple have turned to complete strangers in a bid to have a child of their own.

Chelsea and Sarah Cruickshank have created a page on fundraising site GoFundMe to help them achieve their dream.

The couple want a procedure called intrauterine insemination (IUI), which uses a sperm donor, and estimate it will cost £7,000 to cover the costs of the treatment.

25-year-old Chelsea has opened up about their brave request for money, saying she’s desperate to be a mum and they “just want to have a child like any other couple”.

The online bid comes after six years of being denied the option by the NHS, she claims.

After undergoing several rounds of testing, Chelsea claims she was turned down by the NHS as doctors found she was completely fertile.

Chelsea said: “A lot of people say GoFundMe shouldn’t be used to raise money to have a baby, but you have to start somewhere.

“I find it unfair that a lot of gay people have to pay for it – having a baby is a human right.”

Now she’s been receiving hate mail from complete strangers angry saying she shouldn’t use GoFundMe and telling her to “get a bloke”.

Chelsea, who says she can’t work due to “asthma”, wrote on her plea: “Me and my partner began trying for a baby about 3 years ago myself for about 6 and are struggling to find the upfront costs of trying witch is £2100 per cycle we would realy appreciate help”, she says.

The couple live in South Bank, Middlesborough, say they want to bring up their baby at home: “a baby would need care ,financials and most of all a loving happy healthy home”.

The couple have so far raised £30 for their baby on the GoFundMe page.

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