Irish writer says he quit journalism ‘because of LGBT activists’

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An Irish political writer who opposed equal marriage has blamed LGBT activists for his decision to quit journalism, comparing them to military forces.

Irish Times writer John Waters was embroiled in a controversy in 2014, during debates leading up to Ireland’s referendum on same-sex marriage.

Mr Waters, who had virulently opposed same-sex marriage, took legal action against Irish broadcaster RTE, after he was branded “homophobic” by drag queen Panti Bliss on a chat show.

Speaking at a panel event this week, Waters said the referendum campaign led him to quit his job.

In a clip noted by The Outmost, he said: “I stopped being a journalist because of the LGBT campaign. They tried to present themselves as beautiful gentle people, but these people aren’t.”

Comparing LGBT activists to a group of bloody fighters during the Irish War of Independence, he said: “We had a group back in our country, back in the War of Independence, the Black and Tans, you guys [in Britian] sent them over here to us.

“I would prefer them to the people I met last year in the campaign. I would prefer them, bring them back. Bring back the Black and Tans.”

Elsewhere in the discussion Waters claimed that paedophile sex abuse scandals within the Catholic church are actually “closely aligned to homosexuality”.

He claimed: “Now paedophile priests, there’s no such thing… that’s the single most interesting lie about all this.

“90% of the abusers in Catholic church, they were not paedophiles, they were ephebophiles. An entirely different phenomenon. They were abusers of teenage boys which is closely aligned to homosexuality.”

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