Madonna reveals she’s adopted Malawi twins

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Madonna has adopted two more children from Malawi.

The superstar signer confirmed the news, posting a snap of the family on Instagram.

She has adopted twin sisters from the country, writing: “I am deeply grateful to all those in Malawi who helped make this possible.”

Madonna reveals she’s adopted Malawi twins

She wrote on Instagram: “I can officially confirm I have completed the process of adopting twin sisters from Malawi and am overjoyed that they are now part of our family.

“I am deeply grateful to all those in Malawi who helped make this possible, and I ask the media please to respect our privacy during this transitional time.

“Thank you also to my friends, family and my very large team for all your support and Love!”

The legendary singer has previously adopted two children from the African nation.

She adopted David Banda and Mercy James, which she applied for in 2006 and 2009 respectively.

Madonna reveals she’s adopted Malawi twins

Court papers revealed the singer said she felt duty-bound to adopt the four-year-old girls, named Esther and Stella, from an orphanage after discovering information about their backgrounds through her charity work.

Their mother had died shortly after childbirth, while their father had re-maried and left the children.

Their grandparents had been left to bring up the sisters, but felt overwhelmed by the task.

Ruling, Judge Fiona Mwale said the singer was able to supply a loving home life for the twins in “a luxurious, spacious and comfortable abode in an affluent neighbourhood” of the US.

“Her charity work brings her into contact with orphanages… and it was as a result of this contact that she felt compelled to fill a gap in their lives and open up her home to them,” the judge said.

The ex-president of Malawi also criticised the singer for being “uncouth” with her adoptions.

Former leader Joyce Banda attacked Madonna for apparently expecting eternal gratitude from the deeply impoverished country, and stripped her of ‘VIP’ status on visits.

The new president, elected in 2014, said he is grateful for Madonna’s work in the country.

Madonna was also recently criticised for calling for the White House to be blown up.

Secret Service are now assessing the risk of her comments, made at the Washington DC women’s march.

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