Gay UKIP MEP continues to employ convicted sex offender

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An assistant to gay UKIP MEP David Coburn has kept his job despite being convicted of sex offences.

Arthur Thackeray was placed on the sex offenders register yesterday (Monday 13 February) for ten offences he committed between 2007 and 2015.

Gay UKIP MEP continues to employ convicted sex offender

Some of these offences, which included Mr Thackeray making a string of vulgar phone calls to women, took place at UKIP offices in Edinburgh.

His victims ranged from 25 to 66 years old at the time the incidents took place.

Some of the women fell victim to him after advertising their details for slimming classes.

He has been sentenced to complete a community payback order, which includes 270 hours of unpaid work, and he will remain on the sex offenders register for three years.

Despite this, the former chairman of the party in Scotland remains an assistant to the party’s only elected representative north of the Border, according to STV News.

A UKIP spokesman claimed that because of European regulations they were unable to dismiss him.

“The process is ongoing at this stage,” he said.

“All legal requirements must be adhered to with regards to Mr Thackeray’s employment.”

The European Parliament denied EU regulations prevented Mr Thackeray from being dismissed.

A spokesman said: “I can confirm that Mr Coburn has informed the European parliamentary services about the matter and the services will be following developments.

“It is worth noting that, in the case of local assistants, as is the case here, the European Parliament is not a party to the employment contract.”

Mr Thackeray resigned his position as Scottish Chairman of UKIP following his first court appearance in January 2016.

Mr Coburn was contacted by PinkNews and said it would be inappropriate for him to comment on the matter at this time.

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