Politician claims gays are using Nazi mind control to rally support for same-sex marriage

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A Parliamentary candidate in Australia has claimed that gay activists are using mind control to boost support for same-sex marriage.

Michelle Meyers is a Legislative Assembly candidate for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party in Bateman, Western Australia.

Out in Perth exposed the extraordinary paranoid post on her Facebook, which was publicly available, in which she claimed “Norwegian homosexuals” are behind a ” mind control program” based on strategies “developed by the Soviets and then the Nazis”.

Ms Meyers, who has several photos of herself with her party leader, claims: “Are you wondering why even some Christians are being swayed by the gender industry’s pitch and push 4 same sex ‘marriage’ and acceptance of fake families?

“It’s not by accident; it’s by a carefully contrived but disingenuous mind control program, melded together by two , Norwegian homosexuals who graduated from Harvard – one of whom has since prematurely passed away. It’s by a design covert to the general public but fully practiced and promoted by the LGBTIQQMA/P community.
Politician claims gays are using Nazi mind control to rally support for same-sex marriage
“Utilising many of the strategies developed by the Soviets and then the Nazis, they have gone on to apply and perfect these principles so as to make them universal in their application – but with devastating results considering the counter productive nature of such ‘unions’.

“t’s time 4 Christians to wake up to what’s going on and stop being duped by those whose interests are self serving but unnatural, unproductive and unhealthy.

“It’s time to stop aiding and abetting those whose intent is to further mar the image of those created by God to reflect HIS image – NOT a broken and fake identity cobbled together by the gender industry.”

Opponents say the scandal exposes the extremism in Hanson’s One Nation Party.

A Greens spokesperson told WAtoday: “There is a very real danger despite their obvious extremism that One Nation will win seats in the Upper House.”.

It is the latest in a string of homophobia scandals enveloping the One Nation Party.

Last month the party was forced to drop a local candidate in Queensland after she claimed gay people are “abnormal” and need medical treatment.

However, party leader Pauline Hanson stood by another candidate who linked gay people to paedophiles.

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