Trump’s anti-trans national security advisor resigns after less than a month

President Trump’s national security advisor, who has a history of opposing the rights of LGBT+ people, has resigned after less than a month in the role.

Retired Lieutenant Michael Flynn’s resignation from the role means he broken the record for serving for the shortest amount of time in the position by some time.

According to reports from the Associated Press, the Trump administration was warned by the justice department about Flynn’s communications with Russia.

Trump’s anti-trans national security advisor resigns after less than a month

Following the warning, the White House said President Trump was “evaluating” allegations surrounding alleged secret communications with Russia.

But before Flynn officially resigned, sources told the AP that Trump’s administration had known about the warning “for weeks”.

In his resignation letter, Flynn wrote that he “held numerous phone calls with foreign counterparts, ministers, and ambassadors. These calls were to facilitate a smooth transition and begin to build the necessary relationships between the President, his advisors and foreign leaders. Such calls are standard practice in any transition of this magnitude.”

“Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology.

Later, adding: “I am also extremely honored to have served President Trump, who in just three weeks, has reoriented American foreign policy in fundamental ways to restore America’s leadership position in the world.”

On LGBT+ issues, Flynn most recently attacked debates around allowing transgender people to use gender-appropriate bathrooms.

He said, at the Republican National Convention in July: “My God, war is not about bathrooms. War is not about political correctness or words that are meaningless. War is about winning.

“My message to you is very clear: Wake up, America! There is no substitute for American leadership and exceptionalism.”

Going on, to chants of “U-S-A… U-S-A…”, the retired Lieutenant attacked “political correctness”.

A New York Times article previously concern at the former Democrat’s “Islamophobia”.

Flynn will for now be replaced by Keith Kellogg as acting national security advisor.

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