50 Shades author joins JK Rowling in trolling Piers Morgan during ongoing feud

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The author of the famed 50 Shades series has joined forces with JK Rowling in trolling Piers Morgan.

The Harry Potter author and the broadcaster have an ongoing feud which it appears Morgan is losing.

As he tweeted to E L James, the author behind 50 Shades, asking: “Any chance you could start tweeting me one of your books? I need some relief from this Harry Potter crap.”

50 Shades author joins JK Rowling in trolling Piers Morgan during ongoing feud

The 53-year-old author responded to Morgan with what appeared to be a quote from one of her own books.

She wrote: “I believed that the more exposure I got in the press, the better my career would progress. Trouble was, I became overexposed.”

But in a later tweet she revealed that the quote was actually from Gilderoy Lockhart, a character from Rowling’s Potter series in the Chamber of Secrets.

50 Shades author joins JK Rowling in trolling Piers Morgan during ongoing feud

Of course the internet went wild with support for the ongoing attack on Morgan.

Morgan earlier this week put his foot in it when he attacked himself during an ongoing Twitter argument with Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

After Rowling tweeted a screenshot of an article praising her, Morgan attacked the column.

50 Shades author joins JK Rowling in trolling Piers Morgan during ongoing feud

It read: “She’s sold over 400 million copies of her Harry Potter books, and also the movie rights for some of the biggest-grossing films in history, creating a global brand that’s worth an estimated £7 billion, making her over £500 million personally; she’s won squillions of awards; and she was even named the 48th most powerful celebrity in the world by Forbes magazine. So Ms Rowling definitely matters.

“She would hate to be called a celebrity, and guards her private life intensely, so she doesn’t play any part of the celebrity game. And that’s why I’ve marked her quite far down my list. But by encouraging children to read, feel inspired and be creative, she has had a greater impact on the world than most of the other names on it.”

Rowling accompanied the image with: “Just been sent this! Could the writer let me know who he is? I’d love to thank him! #Valentine.”

50 Shades author joins JK Rowling in trolling Piers Morgan during ongoing feud

But Morgan didn’t react well to the words of praise, tweeting: “Priceless #humblebrag BS. Nobody plays the celebrity game more abusively or ruthlessly than you, Ms ‘Intensely Private Billionaire’.”

Except it turns out the words are from a list Morgan wrote back in 2010.


British journalist and Good Morning Britain host Morgan first clashed with esteemed writer and everyday badass JK Rowling last week after he was told to “f*ck off” live on TV.

Morgan appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday in an attempt to defend President Trump’s executive order, which has been coined the Muslim ban by many.


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