‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

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The internet is a brilliant breeding ground of all things weird and wonderful. Whether it’s twitter spats from the President, or a funny dog video, you can always find something to make you laugh.

The people of reddit have really pulled through this time though, as hundreds of photoshop masters have taken it upon themselves to take the Trump tiny hand to the next level.

Everyone know the 45th president of the United States hates that people much his seemingly tiny hands, but to troll him even more the people of the Internet have begun to photoshop pictures of the president so he looks tiny.

The hilarious photos are being shared across twitter, and we can’t really get enough of it.

Here is Trump with Obama, having a pretty serious chat.

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

Being held up for a selfie with his predecessor.

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

With his big boy pen signing a big boy executive order.

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

Leaving the extra jumbo jumbo-jet.

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

Walking down the steps with the first lady, who’s stilettos appear to be bigger than the President’s head.

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

Tiny Trump welcoming Justin ‘steal yo girl’ Trudeau.

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

He’s just so small…

‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted


‘Tiny Trump’ is the meme that we didn’t even know we wanted

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