WATCH: This gay couple were surprised by their favourite musician and we’re jealous

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A gay couple in Poland got the opportunity to meet their idol and we’re kind of jealous.

Jakub and David were presenting an award at a gala in Stockholm when they were surprised by Roxette on stage, who gifted them a bottle of champagne for their wedding.

WATCH: This gay couple were surprised by their favourite musician and we’re jealous

The couple came out using a song by Roxette, and have been long fans of the singer. However, after coming out the two faced unprecedented homophobia.

Since then Jakub and David have become more prominent activists fighting against homophobia in Poland.

Their work was noticed and they were invited to give the award, where they then surprised by Roxette.

“When we saw Roxette we didn’t think at all. We really didn’t know anything about it and were absolutely in shock,” Jakub told PinkNews.

“It was really like a dream come true. When I was a teenager I used to listen Roxette and now you see him coming towards you with a champagne bottle as wedding gift.”

The couple explained that they had felt ashamed of their sexuality in the past, which wasn’t helped by homophobia they encountered in Poland.

“I would say that we both felt ashamed of our sexuality for a long time. The story with our videos that lead us to the Stockholm, standing on the stage with a standing ovation from the people and meeting Roxette made us first time in our lives really proud of being gays.”

After leaving the stage, the couple got to go back stage with Roxette to further celebrate meeting their idol.

“It was a dream come true,” Jakub said.

Watch the moment here:

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