Rush Limbaugh is not happy that ‘gay black film’ Moonlight won Best Picture at the Oscars

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is not happy that Moonlight, a film about a gay African-American man, took the top prize at this week’s Oscars.

Moonlight became the first ever LGBT-themed film to win the coveted Best Picture award at the Oscars last night, despite a confusion which initially saw La La Land announced as the winner.

The acclaimed film, which stars Trevante Rhodes, Ashton Sanders and Alex Hibbert, explores the life of an African-American boy at different ages – portraying him struggling to reconcile his sexuality and identity.

Its victory happens to come a year after the #OscarsSoWhite campaign took issue with the repeated snubbing of black films by the Academy… and right-wing shock jock Rush Limbaugh thinks that’s the only reason it has done well.

He fumed: “Well, Moonlight is about a gay black man.

“Now, remember, Hollywood took it on the chin last year. Remember, everybody was jumping in their chili claiming that it was all white all night.

“All the nominees and the only roles for African-Americans are drug-addled criminals and gang leaders and so forth or servants, and they’re fed up with it. And then they’re fed up with no nominations for anything.

“So Hollywood had to make it good last night. So they went for a twofer. They had a movie about a gay black guy.

“So what they did there, taking no chances whatsoever after the grief they got last year, they went for the twofer, two protected groups in one movie.

“I wonder if they were afraid that Hollywood might be — never mind. I’m not gonna talk about potential violence if one of the two didn’t happen.”

He added: “What an ironic turn of events from the people telling us how to live and how to feel and how to think and who should win and who shouldn’t be elected, and telling us that there’s never any fraud in elections.

“And then they got tripped up by their own system. I think… I don’t know. I don’t know what long-term impact if any this has on Hollywood because I think Hollywood’s in big trouble. You know I think the business… I was reading this yesterday.”

Last year the talk show was worried that Barack Obama is helping lesbian farmers take over the US.

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