Young Justin Trudeau is even hotter than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The Candian PM, Justin Trudeau, is a pin-up on any given day of the week.

And it turns out that his being hot isn’t a new thing.

He was hot even before he had power and was the Prime Minister of Canada.

And before we spotted that incredible picture of his bum, which broke the internet Kim Kardashian style.

And if you forgot, here he is being the Prime Minister of Canada.

Young Justin Trudeau is even hotter than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Doesn’t he look good?

His father, Pierre Trudeau, was also Prime Minister of Canada, so they clearly have great genes.

We haven’t seen what Pierre looked like as a young man, but Justin looked excellent.

This excellent.

Young Justin Trudeau is even hotter than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

It’s hard to imagine how he didn’t just become a full-time pin-up.

Or some kind of Tarzan type of character, given how good he looks on summer camp.

Young Justin Trudeau is even hotter than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Or in basically any situation.

There are so many hot photos of young Trudeau that it’s a wonder the people in class with him got any work done.

Young Justin Trudeau is even hotter than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

He’s not the only heart-throb politician, of course.

If we’d met a young Joe Biden with a young Trudeau, who knows what would have happened.

Young Justin Trudeau is even hotter than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Which beautiful politico would you choose?

We already know who James Corden would pick – after he full on crushed over the young VP Biden on his talk show.

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