Twinks for Trump founder claims he is victim of homophobic assault in White House

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Lucian Wintrich, the founder of Twinks for Trump, has claimed that he was assaulted in a homophobic attack by a Fox News reporter at the White House.

Wintrich, a gay conservative with close ties to Milo Yiannapoulos, made the claim but no witnesses have supported it.

The attack allegedly took place on Friday after Wintrich and his boss took a photo behind Sean Spicer’s podium making a hand gesture that is believed to be a hate symbol.

The photo was then shared on twitter alongside the ‘pepe’ hashtag – another symbol for alt-right racism.

Fox News Radio reporter John Decker proceeded to announce to a room of reporters that Wintrich and Gateway Pundit where there, and informed the room of the inherit racism that they had built a reputation for – according to BuzzFeed reporter Adrian Carrasquillo.

Following the incident, Wintrich wrote a story on Gateway Pundit claiming that Decker had assaulted him.

He wrote: Decker “blocked me from entering the rest room. He physically cornered me,” then on the way out “he physically shoved me” and “grabbed my arm in a very aggressive manor” while making the comment that Carrasquillo reported.

Andrew Feinberg, a reporter for Sputnik Newswires, was stood next to the two when the incident allegedly occurred.

He said in a statement that he “did witness John touch or grab Lucian’s arm but would “not attempt to speak to how hard the physical contact between the two of them was”.

Wintrich wrote on Twitter and accused Decker of being a “homophobic, deranged man”.

Decker issued a statement on Politico, saying Wintrich’s version of the incident is wrong.

“At no time did I accost or assault this individual,” said Decker. “More than a dozen witnesses will attest to this fact.”

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