Apple launches iPhone ‘to fight AIDS’ – but won’t say how much money is going to charity

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Apple has announced a special-edition red iPhone to raise money to fight HIV/AIDS – but won’t say how much of the profits will actually go to charity.

The tech giant today announced the special edition versions of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, as part of a partnership with (RED), to raise money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS.

The phone, which will go on sale worldwide on March 24, will build on Apple’s existing work with (RED), which has to date raised $130 million for the Global Fund.

But HIV activists have raised questions about how much money will actually be contributed from the phone’s hefty £799/$799 price tag.

Apple specifies that a “contribution” from the price of each phone will go to (RED).

PinkNews asked both Apple and (RED) to clarify how much Apple’s contribution will be from the sale of each phone. Apple declined to comment, pointing a release from (RED) that pegged the total to-date contributions from previous Apple campaigns at $130 million.

(RED) did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, said: “Since we began working with (RED) 10 years ago, our customers have made a significant impact in fighting the spread of AIDS through the purchase of our products.

“The introduction of this special edition iPhone in a gorgeous red finish is our biggest (PRODUCT)RED offering to date in celebration of our partnership with (RED), and we can’t wait to get it into customers’ hands.”

Deborah Dugan, (RED)’s CEO, said: “Apple is the world’s largest corporate donor to the Global Fund, contributing more than $130 million as part of its partnership with (RED).

“Combining the global reach of the world’s most loved smartphone with our efforts to provide access to life-saving ARV medication in sub-Saharan Africa, customers now have a remarkable opportunity to make a difference and contribute to the Global Fund through the purchase of this new beautiful (PRODUCT)RED iPhone.”

Apple has long marked World AIDS Day, December 1, through collaborations with (RED), turning its landmark Apple Stores red to mark the day.

Under Mr Cook, Apple has taken a strong stance on equality.

The company recently hit out at President Trump’s decision to scale back protections for transgender children.

A statement said: “Apple believes everyone deserves a chance to thrive in an environment free from stigma and discrimination.

“We support efforts toward greater acceptance, not less, and we strongly believe that transgender students should be treated as equals.

“We disagree with any effort to limit or rescind their rights and protections.”

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