The story of how this dad came to accept his lesbian daughter is just beautiful

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The story of how this Taiwanese father came to accept his daughters sexuality is so beautiful that it might make you cry.

The father speaks in the video about learning to accept his daughter, who is a lesbian.

The story of how this dad came to accept his lesbian daughter is just beautiful

Home is Love, the group behind the moving documentary, created the video to support same-sex marriage as the country creeps closer to legalising it.

In the video, the 65-year-old family talks about how he was “shocked and confused” when he first learnt of his daughter’s sexuality.

“Homosexuality is such a distant concept to us,” he said. “How come our daughter is a lesbian?”.

However, as the video moves on the father explains that while he is unhappy, his daughters was probably unhappier and because of that he needed to learn acceptance.

“It didn’t matter that I was unhappy. But when my child was unhappy, that’s not acceptable to me”.

To help on his journey to acceptance, the father said that he started to read a number of book on the topic.

The story of how this dad came to accept his lesbian daughter is just beautiful

Now, he is in a place where he is happy but still “worried” about his daughter and her future because equal marriage is not yet legalised.

“She is in a stable relationship with her partner. It makes me happy,” he explained.

“I read so much, I only realise now that the answer is in fact so simple. Love and acceptance.”

A spokesperson told BuzzFeed: “Parents always want their children to be happy, healthy, and cared for, and it’s only when he understands his daughter is happy that he discovers that love is simple.”

The tear-jerk story has resonated with people across the world.

One person wrote: “I am so very touched. Love and acceptance – this is what the world needs. I hope that everyone can have a family built on love.”

“This dad is very fortunate to have a queer daughter, and she is very fortunate to have a dad that truly loves her and didn’t divide the family because of sexual orientation,” another added.

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