Gay American Psycho author attacks Meryl Streep and Barbra Streisand over Trump ‘meltdowns’

Out gay American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis has criticised “liberal meltdowns” over the Trump Presidency.

Ellis took to his podcast on Monday to take aim at the reaction to Donald Trump being elected as President, including by Lena Dunham, Barbra Streisand and Meryl Streep.

He also criticised his boyfriend’s reaction and interest in a “Russian conspiracy” spread, he says, by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

On the Bret Easton Ellis Podcast, the author told fans: “You can dislike the fact that Trump was elected, yes, definitely, and yet still understand and accept ultimately that he was elected this time around.

“Or you can have a complete mental and emotional collapse and let the Trump presidency define you, which I think is absurd. … If you are still losing your s– about Trump, I think you should probably go to a shrink and not let the bad man that was elected define your self-victimisation and your life. You are letting him win.”

Going on, he said stars like Lena Dunham are using Trump as a way to hide their own “problems and neuroses”.

He also said that Meryl Streep, who has spoken out in protest against Trump, is consumed by “moral superiority”.

“For some reason I started thinking about the cost of Meryl Streep’s gown at the Golden Globes and the $30 million apartment she had recently put on the market in Greenwich Village,” he added.

“Liberalism used to be about freedom but now is about a kind of warped moral authority that is actually part of the moral superiority movement. …”

“What was happening to my boyfriend was also reflective of the epidemic of moral superiority that has engulfed and is now destroying, eating alive, the American left,” the author continues.

“I cannot count the times my boyfriend has left the house since the election — his hair long and tousled — he hasn’t shaved in months, and he’s addicted to three things besides opiates: Russian conspiracies discussed on Reddit, Rachel Maddow detailing Russian conspiracies, and Final Fantasy 15.”

Ellis previously attacked the “gatekeepers of politically correct gayness”, denounced the media coverage given to gay basketball player Jason Collins, and slammed LGBT advocacy group GLAAD.

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