Daily Mail columnist claims gender neutral toilets are ‘trans tyranny’

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Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn has labeled gender neutral toilets “trans tyranny”.

The right-wing commentator attacked the increasing number of de-gendered bathrooms “aimed at erasing our traditional values”.

He wrote: “This is just the tip of the ‘trans’ tyranny, which has been driven by a vindictive, gobby minority within a minority — egged on by the usual Left-wing rabble and predictable procession of pro-celebrity virtue signallers.”

He claims the trans-friendly facilities have been created by left-wing activists as a way to change the country without winning votes.

“Of course, this isn’t really about trans ‘rights’, it’s part of the remorseless revolution aimed at erasing our traditional values and demonising small ‘c’ conservatives.

“That’s why it’s been seized upon by the hard Left, who realise they have no prospect of changing Britain at the ballot box.”

Daily Mail columnist claims gender neutral toilets are ‘trans tyranny’

He went on to write: “OK, so domestic bathrooms are desegregated. But there’s a world of difference between sharing a loo with your loved ones and being forced to follow a man in a frock into Trap Three.”

Littlejohn has also claimed Nick Morgan was seeking approval from “diversity Nazis” as equalities minister.

The writer cited BBC journalist Samira Ahmed, who went on a three-hour Twitter tirade over gender neutral toilets at London performance venue the Barbican, saying they were “imposing” their politics.

Ms Ahmed wrote: “So dear Barbican Centre bosses, listen to your customers.

“Women [have enough] trouble with queues without you imposing your politics.”

The anti-trans Mail writer said her posts “proved” his argument: “The resistance has started in earnest — and it comes from a most unlikely quarter.

“The Left-wing journalist Samira Ahmed, late of Channel 4 News, has exploded with outrage after London’s fashionable Barbican Arts Centre introduced gender-neutral lavatories.”

Daily Mail columnist claims gender neutral toilets are ‘trans tyranny’

The Barbican, which has dozens of sets of gendered toilets across its complex, had introduced one single set of gender-neutral toilets in the basement cinema several months ago, bearing the signs ‘toilets with cubicles’ and ‘toilets with urinals and cubicles’.

In another post, she added: “Give us back women’s loos for all women.

“Why do women lose our space to men!? All women can use ladies loos. This isn’t the USA.”

The escalating row over gender neutral toilets comes after President Trump overturned a rule designed to protect transgender young people, allowing them to use the bathroom they identify with.

Radio 4 presenter Dame Jenni Murray was recently condemned by trans activists for claiming trans women are not “real women”.

The Woman’s Hour host and feminist wrote in the Sunday Times Magazine that trans women can never be “real women” because they could experience male privilege before they transition.

The BBC declined to disavow the comments of the veteran broadcaster, but issued a statement saying: “Jenni Murray is a freelance journalist and these were her own views, however we have reminded her that presenters should remain impartial on controversial topics covered by their BBC programmes.”

She went on to criticise comments made by trans broadcaster India Willoughby, who after becoming the first trans woman to co-host Loose Women, appeared on Woman’s Hour in December.

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