Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

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Doctor Who’s new series regular Pearl Mackie made her debut in the series over the weekend to near-universal acclaim.

We say near universal because, although Mackie’s character Bill Potts was well-received by fans and critics alike, readers of the Daily Mail are still a bit horrified about it all.

The right-wing newspaper’s readers reacted with predictable outrage to the shocking news that her character happens to be both black and gay – as well as the tragic love story in the first episode which focused on Bill and her love interest Heather.

In general, DM readers were… not impressed.

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

But here are some of our favourites.

1. ‘OldButnotOut’ is worried that 50% of BBC programmes must now be about LGBT issues

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

2. ‘Hayton’ has banned their kids from watching TV because of a gay black person

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

3. ‘Shyamini’: Time travel isn’t real anyway, so why should gay people be real?

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

4. ‘Obsidian_Grey’: Gay people on TV is ‘inverse bigotry’ against straight people

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

5. ‘saltyseadog’: None of the previous companions told anyone they were straight. Especially the married couple with a baby, they kept it very hush hush

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

6. ‘James Higham’: Gay people on TV is ‘politics half the viewers disagree with’

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

7. ‘MeOnline’: “It’s time the BBC stop messing about promoting leftist views’

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

8. ‘Mikeyfletcher’: Why should gay people be on TV instead of normal people?

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

9. ‘Big Colin’: Everything was much straighter in classic films, like in Rocky Horror and The Birdcage

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

10. ‘Sylvester Lambert’: I can’t let my young children watch gay people on TV

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

11. ‘Crossx77’: NOBODY CARES! That’s why there’s 300 comments complaining she’s gay

Top 11 hysterical Daily Mail comments about Doctor Who’s new gay companion

Related: Gay people are ‘better and cleverer’ than other people, says Russell T Davies

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