Sexy lesbian nun film to be headed by Showgirls director

A new film about lesbian nuns by the director of the Golden Globe-winning Elle has been announced.

Blessed Virgin will tell the story of 17th-century nun Sister Benedetta Carlini, who rose to prominence as a divine visionary before suffering a dramatic fall from grace prompted by her lesbian love affair with another nun.

It will star Elle actress Virginie Efira, and has Basic Instinct director Paul Verhoeven on board.

After joining a convent, Carlini experienced visions, mystical visitations, trances, excruciating pains and ecstasy, often screaming out into the night – so her superiors assigned another nun, Bartolomea Crivelli, to share her room.

The pair started a forbidden love affair, during which time 30-year-old Carlini claimed to the other nuns that Jesus had visited her one night.

This changed the other nuns’ perceptions of her, and she was subsequently made head of the abbey in Pescia, in central Italy.

She delivered sermons to the other nuns, despite women usually not being allowed to preach, speaking in a trance, or rather – as the story goes – an angel spoke through her.

But before too long, she went too far with her claims.

Carlini said she had been visited by Jesus again, but that this time, the son of God had said he wanted to marry her.

The next day, an investigation began.

Carlini was charged with having a lesbian relationship with her roommate, fabricating miracles and performing the aforementioned wedding ceremony with Christ.

Carlini was found guilty and sent to convent’s prison, where she died 35 years later.

The film, which will be in French, is due to begin filming soon.

It comes as welcome news, following the revelation that Marvel’s Black Panther film will not draw upon any of the lesbian storylines contained within its canon.

Earlier this year, superhero film Power Rangers featured a same-sex storyline, with Yellow Ranger Trini revealed to be gay.

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