Russian gay, HIV-positive asylum seeker released from US detention centre

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An out gay, HIV-positive asylum seeker has been released from a US detention centre after being detained for more than a month.

Denis Davydov arrived in the US from Russia back in 2014, and despite overstaying on a tourist visa, had applied for political asylum within a 1-year deadline.

But the 30-year-old has now been detained in an ICE detention centre for more than a month.

Denis Davydov

He was arrested when trying to return to Miami from a trip to the US Virgin Islands, and taken to Krome Detention Center.

He had claimed political asylum because of the peril faced by some members of the LGBT+ community in Russia.

According to Sergey Piskunov, Davydov had been given access to his HIV medications in the detention centre but was denied access to a doctor.

“He was awaiting his asylum interview, had a valid employment authorization and A-number, and had no criminal record,” says Piskunov earlier this week who works with RUSA LGBT.

“He’s a gay man and HIV-positive,” Piskunov added. “Russia is not the best place for either of those and he’s a combination of both.”

He went on: “This is one of the reasons we really want to get him out of there,” saying Davydov has “developed a fungal infection [possibly thrush] and has not been able to receive medication for it.”

Davydov had also been on the receiving end of anti-gay slurs from others in the detention centre, says Piskunov.

“They have money for war in Ukraine, Crimea, Syria,” Piskunov added.

“They have money for all these military expenses. But they don’t have money for the medical system. And they don’t care.”

Immigration Equality had called for Davydov to be given access to specialist medication for the fungal infection.

Aaron Morris, Davydov’s attorney had said he has no criminal record and poses no danger to the public.

Customs and Border Protection spokesman Jaime Ruiz, has said that the agency does not comment on individual cases.

A Facebook page has been set up to give updates on Davydov’s condition.

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