Hasan Minhaj mocked Trump at the White House Correspondents’ dinner and we’re here for it

The annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner was held last night and as everybody expected comedians took aim at President Trump.

The Daily Show’s Hasan Minhaj, who hosted the event, was particularly brilliant as he went after some of the top political figure heads – most of whom were not at the event.

Hasan Minhaj mocked Trump at the White House Correspondents’ dinner and we’re here for it

The president declined to attend the dinner, instead opting to visit Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where he met with a group of people rallying behind him.

A majority of the Trump administration also did not attend in a show of “solidarity” with the president.

This was a fact that Minhaj did not let slide easily, as he joked that the President could not be in attendance because he had been too preoccupied with bombing.

“Historically, the president usually performs at the correspondents’ dinner, but I think I speak for all of us when I say he’s done far too much bombing this month,” he said.

Minhaj laid into the top White House officials and legislation passed in Trump’s first 100 days from the get go, with his first joke alluding to the Muslim ban: “Welcome to the series finale of the White House Correspondents Dinner!” he quipped.

Alluding to Kellyanne Conway’s alternative facts saga, the comedian went after the new administrations staunch position on immigration.

“I would say it is an honour to do this, but that would be an alternative fact,” Minhaj quipped. “It is not. No one one wanted to do this so of course it falls in the hands of an immigrant. That’s how it always goes down.”

Minhaj, who is a staunch advocate for LGBT rights, compared himself to a tribute for the ‘Hunger Games’, and airing fears that Steve Bannon might eat him.

The comedian went on to joke about Trump’s sobriety and his twitter, “who tweets at 3am while sober?” he asked.

Kellyanne Conway, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Ivanka Trump and everybody’s favourite Press Secretary Sean Spicer were also on the receiving end.

He pretty much summed up everyone’s current attitude to the political climate in America with this killer joke: “The news coming out of the White House is so stressful, I’ve been watching ‘House of Cards’ just to relax.”

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