Preacher who said God would ‘destroy’ all gay people is under investigation for fraud

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A televangelist who said God would “destroy” all gay people is being investigated for tax evasion and fraud.

Benny Hinn, who has been preaching and telling followers that he can cure terminal illnesses for four decades, said in 1989 that no later than 1995, gay people in the US would be gone.

“The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid-90s, about 94, 95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America,” Hinn told a crowd in Orlando, Florida.

Preacher who said God would ‘destroy’ all gay people is under investigation for fraud

“But He will not destroy it with what many minds have thought Him to be. He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed.”

The preacher has also claimed homosexuality comes from fathers not hugging their sons.

And he has said that being gay is a “perversion” and condemned pastors who say homosexuality is not a sin.

But last week, Hinn’s offices in Texas were raided by the Internal Revenue Service.

Special Agent Michael Moseley with IRS Criminal Investigations told local TV channel WFAA: “Today, we are here on official business, we are conducting a search warrant on the premises – basically that’s all I can tell you today.

“We are primarily investigating Title 26, which is tax evasion and general fraud against the government.”

Hinn casts himself as a miracle worker to his followers – who are 3.3 million-strong on Facebook.

The televangelist tells them he has the power to cure AIDS, blindness, deafness and cancer, among other serious and terminal maladies.

In response to the IRS raid, Benny Hinn Ministries issued a statement on Facebook.

“As has been widely reported, Benny Hinn Ministries is cooperating fully with the governmental entities that are reviewing certain operations of the Church.

“The ministry has undergone intense scrutiny over the years, and we remain confident that there will again be a positive and speedy outcome in the days ahead.

“Pastor Benny appreciates the love, prayers, and support of our beloved partners as we continue to minister the saving and healing Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world,” the statement concluded.

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