Watch this grade one teacher’s brilliant story about lesbian cannibals

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A grade one teacher has gone on TV to tell a story about lesbians and cannibals, and it is incredible.

Orla, a teacher in the UK, appeared on The Graham Norton Show’s Red Chair segment to tell her story about a hilarious confusion between the two things.

The teacher of 5 and 6-year-olds starts by saying a student had pointed to a map and asked about the country Papua New Guinea.

Ellen Page with her tongue out

Orla then asked: “Does anybody know why Papua New Guinea is really famous?”

She says none of the students knew – so she explained about tribes in the country which still practice cannibalism.

The teacher then made the mistake of asking: “Does anybody know what that means when a human eats another human?”

At this point, you may well be asking yourself why exactly that was a mistake?

Well, this is why.

One student raised his hand and gave a pretty hilarious answer.


The story was shared with John Boyega, Goldie Hawn, Amy Schumer and Orlando Bloom, who appeared suitably entertained by the account.

Check out the hilarious moment from last week’s show in full below:

The Graham Norton Show airs weekly on Friday nights on BBC One, and its Red Chair segment where members of the public share their remarkable and funny stories has proved especially popular.

It even earned itself a special one-off show back in January 2017.

Beyond cunning linguistic mixups, teachers across the world have taken on the role of in addressing LGBT issues in the classroom.

Earlier this year, this teacher fully shut down anti-trans arguments in a post which went viral online – using science to counteract common arguments.

Watch this grade one teacher’s brilliant story about lesbian cannibals

A teacher was sacked for asking middle school children if they feel “comfortable” around black people, Muslims and gays.

Back on TV, host Graham Norton earlier this year took on fellow TV personality Piers Morgan, telling him to “grow a pair”.

But he found himself in hot water when he continually pressured model and actor Cara Delevingne to talk about her sex life during a Red Nose Day segment.

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